
кстати, вы заметили, что они наконец-то решили обновить

их ужасный, почти никогда не обновляющийся сайт?:)


правда пока там только временная страница с новостями,

но после выхода альбома все должно изменится;)

...и еще эта приписка, "Watch the video very soon right here".

интересно, хау сун?

@темы: ссылки

22.07.2005 в 23:59

When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better.
Эз сун эз его кто-ниб не хакнет :D
24.07.2005 в 18:21

Меня успокаивает Молко: всегда, везде и в любых позах...
у мя гдет валается маленький кусочек из мейкинг оф no fear


Я там ток начало глянула... вях, кароч снимается в том же помешении что фотки ниже...
24.07.2005 в 19:31

When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better.
Still Alive : дафай конечно )))
24.07.2005 в 20:10

Меня успокаивает Молко: всегда, везде и в любых позах...
Fialka окей, сёдня или завтра я вам скину...
25.07.2005 в 03:51

When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better.
Still Alive :

А! Подожди, я поняла, о чём ты!

У меня ж есть оно!

Making of "No Fear":


(3,45 мб, на немецком).
25.07.2005 в 03:58

When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better.
А на межд.форуме Intoccabile перевела интервью на английский:


He says something about the new album and the new single, when they are released

No fear had been recorded last weekend..

what the song is like? We also don't know. The song was so quiet, that we couldn't hear a thing. They're making a big secret about it.




Something about the director, that he directed the last 3 clips of rammstein

The Rasmus are telling their fans "Don't be afraid" at least the name of the song and the video makes you think so. .it was the first time for the director to work with TR but he made to do it the way eero imaged


We had the idea of a sleepwalker and when she’s sleepwalking she’s in dangerous situations, and then there’s the performance of the band

it wasn't TR's idea. It is the idea of the director (qoute eero: He had the idea" )


Euh.. he says that lauri wants to ‘take’ all the fear of the fans or something .. didn’t get it really

During the viedoe TR will peform NF, which is written by Lauri. With this song Lauri wants to give his fans bravery and take their fear.


The song sounds little depressive but actually the meaning is positive

It’s about this person who leaves all her fear (lauri’s words: all the shit) behind, who ends that chapter of her life and moves on.


Don’t understand the first sentence but at the end he says something about the director..

Song and video are one unit and not so diffrent. They match perfectly together. That's what Lauri likes in this co-operation with director Heidmann.


It’s great that this clip fits this song so perfectly, because most clips have nothing in common with the song. This girl is in an unknown situation (the sleepwalking), like in the song.

He said the girl move herself (didn't find a better word) to the unknown like in the song


the rasmus has alot to do before release of the new album

before the song and the video will be released to the humantiy...


The next thing we do is finishing the album cover

We just decided which songs are coming on the album

We are not done yet but in october we will be touring again


They don’t know yet when the clip will be showed on mtv

They are still editing everything

But its certain that the new single will be released on 29th august

Короче,ничего нового :/