The Rasmus new recorded single "No Fear" will hit the radiostations

across the world in July/august

check the dates out for your countries.

Remember to start voting and making reqests on the radios!

15th July

Finland, Sweden

Norway, Denmark

Greece, Russia

Latvia, Estonia

Lithuania, Iceland

Germany, Costa Rica

South Africa, France

Hungary, Mexico

Philippines, UK

18th July


25th July


29th July Italy

1st August

Argentina, Australia

Austria, Brazil

Chile, Colombia

Czech Republic, Indonesia

Israel, Malaysia

Poland, Portugal

Singapore, Slovakia

Switzerland, Turkey


Taiwan...early August

South Korea...15th August 05

New Zealand...mid August

Thailand...29th August 05


India...end August

немного удивило, что россия в первом списке (хотя вспоминая, когда и как они подписывали контракт с Союзом, перестаю чему-либо удивляться)... кто-нить хоть на каком-нибудь русском радио слышал уже эту песню?