Паули неслоооо %)
-Pauli aka 1000, MK, pallopää, pyramiidipallopäämies, nalle, hiuspää etc...Moihhh!!!
We are working on new songs and i think we have something like 30 songs already...
now its time to choose the bestestsss and start to reherse how to play and then....
to studiooooooooooooooooo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0000
very very interesting, sano!
Dynasty merchandise is now working and you can order to manymany countries
including Americas, south and north! gaypal, mastercard etc... are working! hehehe
We have cool plans for those still to come...new clothes and also some shops
included at least here in finland
ok ok...i still dont know how to make cool banners or stuff, old skooool
but hey, copy paste and u know
pus pusssssssssss
-Pauli aka 1000 лУблюПаулинИмагУ